This is my first time to write down sumtin into my blog by using my m0bile phone..quite complicated la but its ok then nothing.. Haha so, its easy la for me to update my blog anytime hehe
Well, sempena bulan pose ni.. I like to remind to you guys that increase ur amal ibadah..tambah2 la pada 10 mlm trakhir ni..ki3
Korg beraya katne tahun ni? Baju raya dah beli ke? What colour? Hehe
This year also,i ll be beraya at my kg.. Dah puas beraya diperantauan so, x nk lepaskan chance ni..who knows kan, in future i ll be a perantau again.. So, take the chance la kan hem.. Baju raya aku dah beli,then i choose to wear brown colour.. Hehe so chumill...hehe later i upload.. Sepatotnya ak cuti 2hari aku pulun mintak smpi 1minggu.. Wow! Start 9-19 sept.. Lama 2..ki3 suka..suka..suka!